Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cold War Coming Back?

It's really like the worst days of the Cold War again...

The Russian security service FSB is now announcing a major spy scandal, with British "spies" trying to subvert Russia. Indignation seems to be running high.

Theor alleged "crime" is to have given money to different non-governmental associations dealing with human rights and capacity-building among local journalists, to take just two examples.

Without knowing any details in this particular case I can affirm that such money is certainly given - and that it is certainly not done in secret.

I happen to be on the board of the New Eurasia Foundation in Moscow, and we certainly operate with grants from both the British, the Swedish and other governments and with full transparency for the Russian authorities.

So it's obvious what this affair is all about.

The dark forces and trying to close down the possibilities for a more open Russia.

It's truly sad for the future of Russia - but it's certainly worth taking note.

Kommersant: Politicians to Decide on Spying