Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Blogging in European Parliament���P�iv�kirja

I guess it was just one of these usual days in the European Parliament yesterday.

I passed by for lunch since I was in Brussels for a series of other meetings both with the Kreab Group and with the different European institutions on different issues.

There were hearings on Bosnia a year after Dayton that I unfortunately did not have the possibility of attending. There were evidently some kind of hearing with the candidates for the OLAF internal oversight position. There was a discussion between Elmar Brok of the External Relations Committee and the new Russian ambassador Vladimir Chizhov. On a TV screen I saw that taxation commissioner Kovacs was giving a speech to an audience somewhere in the vast building.

But I was involed in nothing of this, but instead had lunch with some Nordic MEP's discussing primarily the future of the so called service directive.

I strongly suspect that the same issue was among the topic of conversation at the next table where the chairman of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament Poul Nyrup Rasmussen was entertaining journalist. The chairman of the EPP centre-right group, however, was taking some young German students for lunch a couple of tables down.

Alexander Stubb is an able Member of the European Parliament from Finland. He also seems to be one of the very few MEP that have decided to start a blogg to inform of what he's doing.

Certainly an initiative worth applauding, in particular if your repetoire of languages include Finnish.

I have however encouraged him to go over to English as well.

There is a big audience out there that would like to know more about life in that rather lively and not at all unimportant European institution.